My Day

Didn’t do much, a bit of yard work, got high 3 times today, I’m really abusing. I ate two slices of HM bread, and lots of water. I’m not sure what to have for dinner. I’m thinking baked zucchini and tomatoes with lots of garlic. this is a big intake day for me. Right now my instinct is to purge. But I must move on. 


I’ve had blogs before. I’m not very good with them. This I hope to be different. For all those who stumble upon this, I apologize, it’s really more of a diary than anything, me talking to empty space. I do consider maybe starting youtube videos again, I convoy my thoughts better.

Today my plan is to clean my room and varnish some woodwork I’ve had sitting in the basement for a year. It’s only July and I’m already stressing about what to get my father for his birthday. Right now I’m debating going downstairs to make coffee.. If I make any sign of moving, Tawny will berate me for snacks. I do feel hungry, so that is good I suppose, after my coffee, I’m going to figure something out for lunch with kale from the market and baby carrots from the garden. I’m thinking lots of dill. I’ll probably have to make bread today and go get water. That will be fun.

When I start getting myself together, this blog will get better.